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Comments on Wednesday 13 June 2001:
The beginning of RavenBlog. It's all very exciting. [04:00]

This is the first comment in the blog. Sort of. Nobody will ever read this. Except for sad bastards searching through the archives for words of wisdom. DO NOT READ THEM THEY ARE NOT REAL. Except the bit about God coming around the corner in a furry, that'll happen if you're not careful.

Grrgh. There seems to be something wrong with the university's email thingy; certainly there are emails I should have received but haven't. It claims to have sent your today's, but whether this claim has any basis in truth, I have no idea; and conveniently, I can't ask you whether you've received it because, ah, yes, if you haven't, then you won't get me asking you about it, and in either case I won't get your response (not that there'll be one if you don't get it anyway, but that's not the point. I don't know what the point is, but that's not it), even if I were going to be here to get it which I'm probably not anyway [maunders off into directionless grumbling].

My email from you did arrive, but seems to have been the last thing to do so before whatever happened did so.

Anyway, I don't still have a copy of the one I (possibly) sent, so I can't resend it from elsewhere, and don't want to rewrite it just on the unverifiable off-chance that it may have vanished into nothingness. Hence, this (at least providing the opportunity to entertainingly use contingency plans), an annoyed "I sent an email, I did, if you don't get it it's not my fault" grumble. (My Rithmomachia move was... hm, can't remember the co-ordinates. The 056 up one and across to the left two, anyway, leaving your 025 to wreak its merry havoc as it wishes).

Holly. (Obviously. I should hope. Though not to anyone reading this who isn't you, who will probably be rather bemused. Tsk. Still, I shall bury it as far back as the archives go, and all should be well.)

Mm, I did get your email, I respond, in case you think to check here.

In case your email is still not working for incoming messages, and you happen to check back here again, you can get it from http://blog.ravenblack.net/documents/holly-email.txt (I'll remove it once I know you've got it). Also, don't forget you could go to Absolute, perhaps, if such problems arise in future.

Hoorah! I knew that one day my devious plan of sporadically checking for responses to my comment would hit pay dirt. Now I have downloaded your correspondence and burnt it to 15 CDs, I can hold it to ransom. I demand 500,000 pieces of unmarked gum, and a black helicopter. Otherwise I publish it in the next issue of The Adelaidean.

(Just in case you are concerned, I didn't read the email. I did click the link out of curiosity of the 'Has this been removed yet?' variety, on the assumption that it probably had been. When I saw that it hadn't, I only read the bits involving hot wax and chimpanzees. That secret is safe with me. I doubt that anybody would believe it was possible anyway. Feel free to continue your research into training butler chimps to carry candles to table. Best of luck with that. I'll buy one if you can get the singeing problem fixed.)

I expect this is what happens when you rely on security through obscurity.

Tsk. It had been removed, mind. Several times. It just also had a new one put there several times, also. Equal to the number of times removed, in fact.

Did you know that 'singe' is french for monkey?

No, but I wish I had.
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