Archive August 2005
Thursday 11 August 2005
Also MacGyver-related, this list of "MacGyverisms" (a word that apparently means "nonsensical things MacGyver did during episodes") makes for fantastic cryptic crossword clues, eg.
Disarmed missile with a paper clip
Matches, rope, & rifle made diversion
Smashed flare-launcher barrel used as rocket thruster
Stood on stone to activate Inca mechanism
Stapled coat to ground, person was in coat
Sodium metal & cold capsule explosive
Magnifying glass using hairpin & white wine
Feel free to solve these, those of you who do cryptic crosswords. You can even choose the word lengths for yourself. [10:49] [1 comment]
Recent television-based amusement:
  • On the subject of whether people should be allowed to tinker with their preborn childrens' DNA to make them smarter and prettier, a scientist argues "if we don't play God, who will?"
  • Advertising for the final episode of Ecclestone Doctor Who, it was described remarkably accurately with " an unfathomable ending."
  • In an episode of MacGyver, a girl says "he got his act together all right... ON MY FACE".
I hereby declare the end of the era of appending "in bed" to fortune cookie texts, and the start of a new and brighter era of "ON MY FACE". [10:43] [10 comments]