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Comments on Tuesday 11 September 2007:
I got some LED lightbulbs the other day. They are a one-watt lightbulb. I'd rather have had three-watt, but those ones only exist in spotlight shape and a silly fitting, it seems. Anyway, the brilliant thing about the one-watt lightbulb is that when it's lighting my bedroom, and the TV is on, the lightbulb doesn't seem to have any effect on the amount of light in the room, it still looks pretty dark. The difference is, with the light on I can read, and without I can't. There is just something strange about LED light, that makes its illumination still appear dark. I think it might be that the colour of the light resembles the sort of light used in film to indicate that we are watching things in darkness.

Anyway, I recommend them for any other Morlocks who get a headache after being in a lit room for any length of time. Especially Morlocks who would like to use energy-saving lightbulbs for the few times they want light, but have discovered that "energy-saving" is actually earthspeak for "light-sabre shoved in your eyesocket". In terms of causing pain, LED bulbs are to normal bulbs as normal bulbs are to energy-saving bulbs (at equivalent brightness).

Oh, also a very strange thing - after an LED bulb is turned off, it continues to glow slightly for at least an hour. Not enough to illuminate anything else, just enough to make it clearly visible in the dark. I don't know whether this is a facet of the bulbs, or if it's to do with the wiring of my house leaking a small amount of current when switches are 'off'. I suppose this could be tested with a standing lamp and the mighty power of unplugging. [11:35]

Raven you can get other sizes and powers of LED lights mail order at various places on the web. Both thinkgeek and CCrane have fairly large selection. Also often times LEG lights have loads and capacitors and rectifiers in the base if the lamp to provide correct charge from your power source. These should provide a charge for long peroids but may provide for a momentary delay when turning on or off a lamp of up to 10 seconds or so.

Yeah, not so much in the UK - most of the LED lamps online are suited to 120V supplies.

wow, I typed that without proof reading. I really need to do that. Anyways most LED bulbs used as light sources are made up of clusters of white Diodes with reflective material behind them. Each individiual diode typically runs on about 3 to 3.5 volts with around 25 milliamps of power dc. All house currents have to be stepped down to provide this because diodes powered over this tend to fail rather completely. The hardware to step things down is usually in either the bulb base (case of led bulbs made to fit existing fixtures) or in some cases into the fixture, These are mostly hard wired led's and mod lighting type fixtures. I think there may have been a bit of confusion earlier when talking about the lamp verus the bulb. One or the other (and it really makes no difference which when it comes to residual charges held in the capacitors used to step down the charges.) either the buld itself before entering the diode array, or the lamp fixture must step these down or you have a rather expensive single use flash. Also rather interestingly light coming into the diode functions as a rather crude ineffiecent photocell.
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