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Comments on Sunday 7 November 2004:
Amusing, though not good for me since my income is largely in US dollars and my outgo in Australian, thus this drop is mirrored in my buying power - see what happened to the US dollar's value since the election. The graph below is the value relative to Australian dollars, but the same pattern holds true for Euros and for Canadian dollars.

US dollar falls since the election

Everyone knows republican leadership is good for the US economy. [14:38]

That shoyld be going up soon. Kerry conceded. Bush will remain in office.

You mean like it went 'up' over the last four years?

Well, then either Bush sucks or your theory that republican leadership is good for the US economy is wrong

Sarcasm, silly.

Oh, my gosh! Seriously? Since I'm never sarcastic, I don't pick up on sarcasim very easily. I'm sorry! Forgive me, Sempi! Okay, the idiot will shut up now, or at least until the idiot has another stupid thing to say.

And she says she's never sarcastic :)

I think that actually wasn't.

Pfff, if it was sarcasm it was poor, what with one person thinking it was, another thinking the contrary, and me being unsure. In any case - badly put, Kilikina.

On Raven's originaly-posted point - I think it's uncertainty, rather than Republicans, causing the Dollar-drop. Not just since the 2nd, but for the last four years, too. Observe the slight deceleration (11-9-01, Enron, Oil prices bouncing around) since the 3rd (when it became clear who'd won).

Though, of course, I'm wrong, in a way, because it's Republicans who, by and large, are reponsible for the uncertantity (11-9-01, Enron, Oil prices bouncing around).

I was not being sarcastic! I'm not like that and especialy to my Sempi. Sarcasm usualy infers that one is trying to be smarter than the other or prove some ego trip; and I do not have anything to prove, nor do I think I am smarter than my Sempi. Thats part of the meaning of Sempi.

On the origonal subject, now enlightened, the last time the US had a higher economy was probable over twelve years ago or B.B.S. Not to mention that the US has always been an importing country, so we never really had much value to begin with, since we don't export much. The phony war on terrorism didn't help either.

I do agree with Digi, in that neither Republicains nor Democrates are to blame. The problem simply that the US has a bad habit of spending more than we make and with war we spend even more.
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