Amusing discovery on Wikipedia - Medieval Philosophers were secretly supervillains! William of Ockham, recently depicted as the evil Doctor Ockham wielding his razor in opposition to our hero Arachnid Boy, turns out to have more powers than previously thought, as he used to be Doctor Invincibilis. Albertus Magnus, who I'm sure we're all familiar with as Magneto, was even more powerful in medieval times as Doctor Universalis. Henry Goethals was one of those tricky not-very-powerful supervillains - the sort that come closest to winning, like Lex Luthor - as Doctor Solemnis. Francis Mayron was two supervillains, first the angular Doctor Acutus, and then, his super-secret identity as which he directed world leaders, Doctor Illuminatus. St Thomas Aquinas, in addition to being a saint, was Doctor Angelicus, the angelic doctor. OR WAS HE? In fact, when he peeled off that disguise he was revealed to be Doctor Communis, THE RED DOCTOR!