Throwing paper at bins is fun. Probably more fun when you have a normal pointing device rather than a trackpad, though.
I am now fully recognised as being me by CAcert, which means I can create relatively useful SSL certificates and have some good solid signatures on my PGP key, and can also assign 35 assurance points to others (50 are needed for your own magical certificate power). Points only available to people I know personally, or people willing to come to my house with proper ID to claim their points at a time of my convenience (and to arrange this with me in advance). I doubt there's more than a few people I know who'd want certificate power anyway.
And the now-almost-obligatory terse movie review - Catwoman isn't actually the 35th worst movie of all time, no matter what IMDB says. That's not to say it's good, of course. It's about as good as that dodgy Birds of Prey TV series that was fairly recent. Worth changing the channel for if the TV's already on, but not worth turning the TV on for. Certainly not worth renting or lifting a heavy object to see.