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Comments on Wednesday 17 March 2004:
It's time for a brand new magically delicious RavenBlack meme! It's obvious what you're supposed to do, yes?

Ten reasons why you wouldn't want to live with me:
  1. You know that circus tune, the one Homer Simpson's brain thinks of as 'the ballet'? Well if you lived with me you would, since I habitually whistle it whenever I'm thinking, or pacing, or cooking, or bored. Sometimes I whistle special flat variants which sound a bit more like a version that would be in a horror movie. And sometimes I 'doo-de-doo' the tune instead of whistling it.
  2. Speaking of 'doo', every time you say the word 'do' followed by a noun-phrase, eg. "I'm going to do the dishes", I will snigger and say "ha ha, you want to 'do' the dishes." Every time. Every single time.
  3. When there's a simple decision to be made such as what to eat, my decision-making process consists of standing in the middle of a room and flapping my arms until someone else makes the decision for me.
  4. Should you go to the bathroom while playing games online, I will inform the other players of the game that the reason for the delay is that you are "weeing. Out of your wee-hole."
  5. There must be constant rubbish on TV, such as Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, Monkey, Blake's 7 or pretty much any cartoon with superheroes. If there isn't such a thing on TV, then it must instead be playing from a recording of some sort.
  6. "Do you want something from the shops?" "Yes." "What?" "I don't know."
  7. All food, in my world, is either 'pie', 'lump' or 'goo'. "What shall we have for tea tonight?" "Pie!"
  8. Bread crumbs will take over the world.
  9. I have a copy of both Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical starring David Hasselhoff and Gymkata.
  10. In the event of, well, pretty much any event really, I will decide it's time to dig a tunnel through your torso. With my head. TO THE MOON!

Hah! And here I thought you were so much more stodgy and dull and serious than that.

Hmm... and why does Holly put up with you?

Now I'm all distraught. At least half of that list didn't apply while you were visiting us.
And I'll see your Gymkata and raise you "Fire in the Sky" with Patrick Swayze.

Ah, that's *visiting*, it doesn't count.

With regards to 1, you may enjoy The Stranglers - Waltzin' Black, as an oddity.

'Bio-Dome,' with Pauly Shore. Boo-yah for horrible movies.

Re: Number 9. No big deal, my friend just sang one of the songs from Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical, last night at a concert as a solo. Very nicely done too, I might add.

You missed the important part - Jekkyl and Hyde the Musical is nice. Jekkyl and Hyde the Musical STARRING DAVID HASSELHOFF is not nice.

My friend Kelley is in love ( or 'luff' in Kelley-speak) with David Hasselhoff. She says he is a 'sexah bunnah."

Seeing his singing Gollum impersonation in Jekyll and Hyde might free her of that notion.

Hi, I hope you don't mind me leaving a stray comment: I have just done your 'What flavour am I?' quiz, and it was fantastic! I was going to vote, but I couldn't find the link. Anyway, it was cool! Charlie x

There was a 'what flavour am I?' quiz? How did I miss that?

RavenBlack: Kelley has seen Jekyll and Hyde the musical. She still thinks he's a sexah bunnah. (However, it must be noted that she much prefers his 'Baywatch' acting as opposed to anything else.) But do you mean the plain Musical version or the Rock 'n Roll Musical version? She owns both, I believe...

Hasselhoff is in the Rock 'n' Roll one as well? Aiee.

And tsk, she obviously has poor taste then, since the only place Hasselhoff should be allowed is in a talking car.

A talking car? I don't think she's subjected me to that yet... or perhaps you were being witty and I missed it.

In any case, do-what?

That would be Knight Rider.

1) I don't know the tune. (At least I don't think I do.)
2)What happens if I sing a Sinatra song? "Doo be doo be doo..."
3)Flap all you want to. I have trouble making my own decisions.
4)I gave up playing games online for Lent. A very protracted Lent...only 400 years.
5)Blake's 7. Blake's 7! BLAKE'S 7!!!! I miss that show and could have it on for a couple of years!!!
6)Shopping is anathema to me. I don't shop, I buy.
7)I don't "do" tea. But let me ask you this...when asked "What shall we have for tea?" have you ever answered "lump", or "goo"??
8)Bread crumbs will take over ONLY if they can defeat the dust bunnies under my bed.
9)David Hasselhoff MUST DIE!!
10)You haven't seem my TORSO! MWHAHAHAHAHA

Drat...2048 characters? Now I have to count to see if I hav

Knight Rider... I think I've avoided that one thus far.

I suppose I should get back to the original topic now. No humorous segues today.

1) At least it isn't the Blue Danube, which is what I whistle perpetually.

2) So? I still go to public school. With BOYS. ADOLESCENT BOYS, who today told me to 'smile like a donut.' Beat that.

3) I would film it and sell the tape. That way, you'd be less likely to flap, and if you stood in the middle of the room motionless it wouldn't bother me.

4) I play no online games. Everquest has hijacked my friend Andrew's brain, and I don't care to resign myself to the same fate.

5) My expectations for TV were beaten senseless when I went to Kelley the David Hasselhoff Freak's house for the first time. They were finished off after the nine thousand times a two-year-old named Blythe made me watch Teletubbies. Then they were finally driven to the afterlife after I watched 'Teen Titans' out of sheer boredom and insomnia.

6) I would buy you diet yogurt, a DIY Divorce Kit (they have those at my grocery store), and a porcelain clown. The next time you would know.


8) Only they wrest it from the grasp of Starbucks and the Penguin Mafia, as fronted by kingpin Shae Adams of Marcus High School.

9) I am immune to David Hasselhoff. Gymkata I could get used to.

10) My torso does not lead to the moon, and I doubt very much that your head, pointy as it may be, could dig a tunnel through it. Perhaps you were looking for my head, with a pickaxe.

Knight Rider was a no brainner for kids up to 12 years old.
Bay Watch was a no brainner for kids up to 15 years old and any man straight fond of voyeurism.
Dr.Jekyll & Hyde musical is a fantastic version of one all time master pieces and David Hasselhoff in a swop got up to the hall of those few people who do things that will last forever...
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