For reasons not really worth elaborating, I wanted Jabber support for Trillian. I found that it exists, for a Trillian updated to the latest beta. So I did that.
I then found that my preferred Trillian skin kimae didn't support Jabber properly - contacts wouldn't appear when online, and the online status of the client, and connection control, were not available. So I reverted to the default skin. Which is eye-gougingly ugly.
So I tried modifying the XML of the good skin to add support for Jabber. That didn't work. So I modified the default skin, mostly by just shoving big black rectangles over all its images and exchanging all near-white RGB values with nearby near-black RGB values in the XML. After a lot of fiddling with lots of trivial little files, and redrawing a few bits, it ends up looking like that image over there. And this one, and this one. Mm.
It's amazing how much time one can waste in an effort to not have one's comfortable working environment disrupted by a bit of nasty pastel-coloured invasion.