RavenBlog |
Comments on Wednesday 5 November 2003: |
Aha, I finally discover what was causing my desktop machine to suddenly reset without explanation - general inside-case temperature. Presumably the one hard-drive that seemed to be causing the doom runs particularly warm. More recently it's been happening without that drive being in use at all. Most recently, it happened and I remembered to leap across the room and press delete to get the BIOS. CPU temperature at 71 degrees; shutdown set to be triggered if it reaches 75 degrees. Somewhat odd, in the BIOS - you can have it shut down at 65, 70 or 75 degrees, or not at all, and you can have it warn at 60, 70, 80 or 90 degrees. So for some reason, you can't ask it to shut down when it reaches 85, but you can ask it to beep at 90. I can't think of a good reason for this. I shall be purchasing a case-fan in an attempt to alleviate this problem (it wasn't just the CPU that was hot, the inside of the case was all quite temperate). For now, that machine runs naked, caseless and carefree. And with a horrible loud buzzing noise. In other news, America (Congress, at least, though the Senate have shot it down twice) is repeatedly passing bills to make it illegal to help a minor to not break the law. Because the States having different laws is obviously not to make it possible for people to choose a State with laws that suit their purposes, but rather to provide the illusion of choice. [08:00] |
Chris Chambers |
The issue with that law is that the Parents have chosen which state THEY want to live in, and the Minor can either abide by their choice or sue for emancipation; the law is pretty clear that the Parent has the right to forbid these things to the Minor, and State Laws circumventing that discrection is legally a Very Bad Thing(tm). |
RavenBlack |
The parent has the (legal) right to forbid those things to the minor when the minor is in a state where that's what the law says. If the minor is in a state where there is no such law then the parent has no such right. Making it illegal to help someone do something that *doesn't break any laws*, though, is a really stupid way to fix it. How about making it illegal to *have had an abortion* without parental consent - that way the minor can't return to the state in question, which their parents will surely be really pleased about. The perfect solution. |
Chris Chambers |
Technically, the Parent has the right to Forbid the Minor to such actions in ANY state, regardless of the law. Some states have laws that provide specific legal consequences for childern who choose to perform such acts anyway. Furthermore, the Legislative Branch cannot make a nationwide abortion law; note that the decisions legalizing Abortion came from the Judical Branch. They do, however, have the right to set laws concering INTERSTATE actions; the transport of a Minor across state lines can be regulated (this has to do with the division of powers on the state and federal levels; it's odd, but technically the Federal level mostly has interstate regulatory control). As well, I'd like to hear why you feel that the Minor, who is legally a ward of the Parent, is concidered incapable of making critical decisions in their life, with the power to make those decisions assumed by the Parent, should be able to choose which set of laws apply to them; obviously if the child can obtain parental permission, they don't need to go to another state. So why should the law allow another individual to circumvent that descision? How does this in any way challenge the right of a full citizen (which a minor IS NOT, legally) to choose a state with laws that suit their purposes? |
RavenBlack |
Bollocks to full citizens. *I* wasn't a full citizen, being 26 and having lived there for five years. America's theory that 'children' capable of getting pregnant aren't capable of making decisions is fucking stupid, and results in the citizens requiring a nanny-state to look after their every decision. However, *legally* I have no argument about why the child should be allowed to choose. My argument is that making it illegal to help someone do something that isn't breaking the law is stupid. If they must prevent such things, *first* it should be illegal for the abortion to occur. Alternatively, making it illegal to move a minor across state lines without guardian consent for *any* reason would be an adequate implementation. It's the specific "you can't help them to avoid breaking any laws" that's infuriating (not to mention all but unenforcable - "I took her across state lines for a picnic and she just happened to get an abortion while we were there, but that wasn't our intent when I took her across state lines!" - laws based solely on intent are ridiculous. Will bus-drivers be liable?) |
nickoli |
Children capable of getting pregnant who are seeking an abortion evidently do have problems making decisions, mostly. They chose, in effect, to get pregnant. I recognise that there will be some cases where this is not the case (rape, faliure of contraception), but legislation rarely takes into consideration all possibilty, and these are minority cases. I agree that the law is stupid though - if it is not illegal for the parent to do something, nor the child, why should it be illegal for the parent to help the child to do that something? |
RavenBlack |
Not for the parent, in this case - for someone other than the parent. (I'm not sure whether 'parent' is being used to include 'other legal guardian') But the same thing remains, if it's not illegal for the child to do something, it's ridiculous for it to be illegal for anyone to help the child do that something. Parents don't *usually* have the 'right' to make their children sick every morning for several months, then endure hours of agony, even though they are the legal guardian. Why make an exception here? |