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Comments on Sunday 10 August 2003:
What's a good multi-player game for SNES or Playstation, except for Dr Mario, Super Mario Kart and Super Bomber Man? Also excluding things First-Person-Shooterly or Street-Fighterly. Or a good multi-player game that'll run under Windows, with the additional exclusion of RTS games? [16:45]

What's wrong with War3? Once you get used to the game, it's extremely balanced and varied in tactics.

Ah well, if you don't want that... for SNES, I have fond memories of Secret of Mana (an RPG with a pretty decent way to handle multi-player).

PSX gives you.... hmm, nothing I can think of. Destruction Derby is amusing for all of 5 minutes, but highly repetitive.

Windows.... I assume you're on a network with multiple machines, as multiplayer on one computer is almost entirely limited to mostly crappy shareware titles. You ruled out the two genres I can actually name titles off the top of my head in, so let's see- I've never played it, but I hear great things about Stronghold. It's somewhat RTS-ish, but with the focus on an almost Sim City-ish bit. Dungeon Seige is supposed to be amazing, I assume it has LAN support.

They're RTS' but American Conquest and Cossacks are worth looking at. Massive amounts of units are possible, and there are massive amounts to choose from. So you can do the whole epic colonisation of the America's. Still though it's tedious after a couple of months.

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is one of my all time favourite games, and it’s third person. It has the best representation of sword fighting I've ever seen. Probably best to get Jedi Mod v1.2 as well. That way you get to shove a double-ended lightsaber into Yoda's smug little rat-like face.

If you want a first-person-shootery flight-simish, tank-commandery, battle-cruiser-like, stealth and tactics based game, probably best to go for Battlefield 1942. You get to interact with all the bits of scenery; fly planes, drive tanks and so on.

Or for a full FPS - Vietcong. Even if you don't like FPS's in anyway shape or form, you may enjoy Vietcong. ONe of my favourites. Unfortunately you have to be really to enjoy it, which is a shame. But the gist is it's as real as I've seen a game get. Plus killing Gooks is immense fun. (As is killing those capitalist dogs from America. Just in case you slant-eyes can't tell when someone's being fake-racist to make a point).

And War3 is like being in little box that you can almost turn around in, but not quite.

Mm, looking more for games more along the lines of Mario Kart and Bomberman - things that you can pick up and play with next to no learning curve. The more units the less I like it, generally, with RTS; turn-based can be a bit more flexible, and a turn-based battle game (a-la Laser Squad or X-COM) would be nice if anyone knows of such a thing for PC. Hotseat would be okay, but network is better. And not FreeCiv, or any Civilisation derivative - I hate war-scale things. Battle-scale is best.

Dungeon Siege is essentially an RTS, only with stupid gimmicks, unfortunately. Nice voice track though. (Yes, network with multiple machines.)

Third-person a-la Jedi Knight or Tomb Raider is really the same as first-person. I want *old-style* games, really. When people made games top-down or isometric or what-have-you. Puzzles and things.

I'd recommend Diablo, but I'm sure you've played it.

It sounds like you're after a genre mainly found on the conoles, you must be able to get emulators with networky multi-playerness.

Oh, and Sonic is far superior to Mario.

http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ is kind of fun. Don't know if it does LAN play though.

Hm. I don't know if they made a version of it for SNES, but on NES, I loved Yoshi's Cookie.

Donkey Kong Country amused me. First or second; the third wasn't too good. If you don't like the Mario-type RPGs, though, you won't like that.

your best bet will be SNES, but good luck finding them.

Them being the games, I assume you got that...

Carcassonne is out for pc, however I've only been able to find a demo in non-English. Otherwise it seems great.
Soldat also comes to mind, a platformer/shooter game that's pretty fun.
Ooh, and that in turn reminds me of all things Worms. Worms: World Party is probably the best of them all, although it is little different from Worms: Armageddon or Worms 2, all of which are awesome.
There's this other one I'm thinking of, but unfortunately can't remember the name to. It falls into the category of "crappy shareware", and I'm not sure if it supports network play although it does support multiple people on one computer. It is essentially a 2D platformer game where you control rabbits; and when you jump onto another rabbit, they come to a bloody demise. It was a fun little game.. if only I could remember the name.

Aha! Jump n Bump.
Also don't forget Joust from the NES days. It might or might not have been remade for pc, but at the very least, there might be an online NES emulator that you can play it on. Yes, very good.

Thanks for mentioning Yoshi's Cookie, QuickSlash; didn't seem quite my sort of thing, but searching for it came up with Tetris Attack, Ranma Puzzle and Puyo Puyo Tsu, all of which seem promising.

Worms is also the sort of thing I was thinking of, thanks Aaron. Joust is fun, but not really what I'm looking for - I want competitive rather than cooperative. Will look into Jump n Bump.

No problem. Be sure to check out Soldat too. It's like a real-time Worms without destructible environments. Which may not be your thing at all, but you never know.

Soldat? As in, Russian for Soldier?

Ahh, how could I forget Worms, one of the finest games ever made?

Yes, the very same.
It's been described as "CounterStrike meets Mario". Or at least I think it has.

just drifted in here, for good shootery things I recommend stuff at www.pompom.org.uk and www.llamasoft.co.uk

For SNES, I would recommend Metal Warriors.

Along the lines of Yoshi's Cookies and Tetris Attack, there's always Bust-a-move (aka Puzzle Bubble) and Kirby's Avalanche. There's also Yoshi but that's for NES. OF course, there's always the Mario 3 battle for NES also. Metal Combat for SNES is good but probably bette 1p than 2p. Then thare are the cooperative games such as Kirby Superstar.

For PC, there are all those mech games (board game style not FPS) which are battle like. Then thare are the rather old games like Battle Isle, Ugh and Wacky Wheels for which you would probably need some slowdown program. There's also Nectaris but I don't remember if it's multiplayerable.

Seiken Densetsu 3 (SOM2) PLAY IT!
And Front Mission-Gun Hazard.
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