Danger, Will Robinson!
Crossfire has the potential to eat your time. Like Nethack. It's a poxily multiplayer online roleplaying game, of the grid-based ouvre familiar to Nethackers; real-time-ness detracts somewhat, but lag adds an interesting extra layer of challenge to it - you have to pre-empt every monster's action by about 1.5 seconds if you're using dial-up from Australia.
If you fancy playing and possibly overlapping with me, then you'll want to play on the particularly little-used server "whitehats.dyndns.org", port 13327. If using Windows, you'll likely want to use the DirectX client, even though it says it's deprecated, since the other one sucks twice as much (which is quite the achievement). If using Lunix, the GTK client is apparently best. Bit of extra setup instructions here.