Part one of my incoming set of toys arrived today, and was rather disappointing. A superior substitute was found, however. The product that arrived; the PC version of Dance Dance Revolution. The disappointment; the description sounded like you could configure it to run with your own songs, whereas the truth is you can just give it your own set of steps for their forty crappy songs. Okay, I'm being unfair - thirty-eight crappy songs and two bland songs.
The superior substitute - Stepmania, an open-source version compatible with many different 'rhythm' games. Unlike most open-source, it's graphically competent. Doesn't come with any music of its own, but links to lots available for download. The one song I picked at near-random is better than the best of the DDRPC tracks. If only I'd found that before I paid moneys for the pants pants version.
Still awaiting the hardware aspect of this toy, which I expect to be also disappointing, and also redeemable with a bit of effort. And duct tape.