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Comments on Thursday 8 May 2003:
Just watched X-Men 2. It's pretty similar to the first one, but a bit more so. It has a very good Raiders Scene, a few too many slow conversations or closeups, and some nice twists.

Nightcrawler is very nicely done, and stars strongly (mostly as CGI) in the Raiders Scene.

Colossus makes a short cameo, which is good because if he were in it much more than that the goody-goody-ness and Terminator accent would have been irritating. Beast makes a pre-blueness cameo. Kitty is rather good, but again, just a cameo.

Wolverine is the star of the show, which is good because he's the best actor/character combination (the other competent actors play Professor Xavier and Magneto, but those roles don't actually allow for much acting).

Mystique is also good; her 'costume' was noticably less intricate this time - not actually worse. They evidently couldn't be bothered with the much-hyped 8-hour donning time, this time. This mostly shows that the costume was a complete waste of effort last time.

This time it was also much more true to the proper characters; Wolverine mooning over Jean Grey despite everyone else being both available and superior, most notably.

On the subject of true to the comics, there was a Hulk preview, which makes the movie look completely horrendous, but very comic-book-accurate; it even had (those of you familiar with the comic will get this) "THOOM".

Other trailers were The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Matrix Reloaded, Finding Nemo, and Something About Gold That Has Edward Norton In It. A more appealing set of trailers than I've seen in a while, but still not particularly compelling. [06:07]

For a moment I hoped that http://us.imdb.com/Title?0311429 was a movie length version of http://us.imdb.com/Title?0184135 but it seems not. Pity. I expect the latter should sue the former in some way for not being sufficiently local.

And then be sued by http://us.imdb.com/Title?0052997, if films are in the habit of suing one another.

http://us.imdb.com/Title?0052997 without the comma. Is Sean Connery playing Terry Pratchett?

too many links... ack!

I saw X2 as well. Nightcrawler was very cool, some good character development, some decent (if not entirely unexpected) twists, and an obvious one at the end (I'll avoid spoiling it if you are in the habit of reading blogs about movies you haven't seen yet!)


No she doesn't...
...Well not completely. If you know the comic books you will know that she comes back as "The Phoenix", which would explain to you people (That don't know.) why all those flames were going around through the movie.

Eps - How do you do that thing that lets people hover and get a msg?

Yes, I knew that, but that's not a spoiler for *this* movie, is it? Tsk. No point spoiling the next one yet, it isn't funny unless you spoil it when people are about to watch it.

We all die in the end, wasn't a spoiler.

arrrrggh. i hate spoilers!


I haven't read the comics, but plot question: if every human on earth was disabled for say, a minute.... wouldn't there be mass death and destruction from all the people running machinery, driving cars, flying planes, etc?

I think the human-freezing bit is actually time freezing. So everything freezes, not just people. Thats just my guess though, I havn't read many of the comics.

As a side thought, the Hulk (in green monster form) looks like Shrek on steroids.


not that part, the part where Magneto reverses Cerebro 2 to target humans and all non-mutants fall to the ground in agony... imagine the trafiic accidents alone!

Best unnecessary scene setup: Where the camera keeps going back to Magneto, and next to his seated figure is Mystique's torso. Wolverine scowling! Mystique's breasts! Jean talking! Mystique's breasts! Nightcrawler hanging from a tree! Mystique's breasts!
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