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Comments on Tuesday 8 April 2003:
Just encountered a rather nice alternative answer to the annoying "glass half-empty/glass half-full" pessimism/optimism dichotomy. The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

If I encounter such a glass in reality, the glass is just 'of'. [01:57]

Mine is egotist: the glass is half-mine.

ummmmmm first off Raven I have to wonder who your talking about there (prob. me lol<\/A>/). Second I got your book today (Monday for all you people who are wondering what day I actually mean) wow that was fast though I thought it would come Tuesday or Wednesday at the most ohhh well I'm just happy to have it. Thanks again ohh yeah although you may not want to hear that but you have a cute bird there (hehe).

Me? Was I talking about anyone?

Raven has a book?

I like this one.
Matr|x, there is no glass...
(Hehe, made that up at about 2 in the morning and me and a few other people found it insanely funny. I'm still not sure why.)

Eps - Mmm milk.

Yes: http://books.ravenblack.net/

The size of this mythical glass is obviously a pint. No other size has ever led to fisticuffs. Has anybody really considered what's in the glass?

Milk - the glass is half carcinogenic.

Water - the glass can be used for experimentation into light bendage.

Lager - you're joking.

Ale - Rahsadfcvsdx.

Stout - just have to wait half an hour to fill it up from there.

Whisky - bog off you git.

Whiskey - fill her up then.

For myself, the glass always needs a refill because it is only half full. And usually half the size it should be.

The content makes *all* the difference; if forced to drink half a pint of bleach, our friend the pessimist may change his plea.

(Also, hydrophobia should not be ruled out.)

C. Copperpot
In the case of bleach, it's obviously one-half too damn much.

Oddly, I just came across the same meme on Sunday when I picked up a George Carlin paperback at a friend's house and opened it to a random page.

Lady X tryme
The topic of the evening at the local support group for those who suffer from manic depression had been "Was your glass half empty or half full today?"

Patient 1 gazed into the dark swirl of her now luke warm cup of coffee with a most sullen expression that would lead one to believe she had just returned from a loved-one's funeral. "My glass was half empty today."

Patient 2 said with a disturbingly elevated mood "Mine was half full!" Then he proceeded to pour himself a sixth cup of coffee.

Patient 3 looked around with one of those 'lost child' expressions as it was his turn to comment. "This isn't the anger management support group?"

The others looked at Patient 3 strangely. "No Sir, it isn't the anger management support group is down the hall." Patient 3 suddenly became very upset with the situation and hurled his full coffee cup at the one who spoke up. The cup in turn shattered on the floor obviously. The now disgruntled Patient who had attended the wrong group meeting sat back down and pouted as he found himself once again having broken his coffee cup. "I haven't figured it out yet, but my doc says as long as there was something in it to begin with it'll be ok..."

One thing I never got, why can't the glass be half full and be half empty at the same time?

Nice book Raven, price is good too, well at least until I saw the letters US... Think of us poor Aussie here. :(
Hehe only joking, I might grab a copy sometimeish. (<--new word)

Eps - *Drinks the rest of the milk.*

C. Copperpot
The area inside of the glass is occupied by a mix of gases, dust particles and liquid! In any case, the glass is completely full. Or is it not empty at all?

But what of the glass itself? (Or herself). After being continually classified as fulfilling various philosophic dreams involving degrees of emptiness, I find it hard to believe that the glass didn't sod off to the pub around the corner for a swift couple of pints. Full then empty in rapid succession. I believe that the glass in question found this an emotionally fulfilling life. Untl the glass met up with the dozy sod who decided to suck the dregs out of her before smashing her over the head of his best friend. Thus we have the history of feminism. The glass is neither half empty nor half full, It's just half broken.

My question is, is it cobalt Glass? at which point, I'll take it, empty or full.
AS for Raven BLacks Book, "Revelations" I have a copy as well. It's a good read, that can be gotten through quickly. I would reccomend taking it slow, so your processing of the information keeps up with reading speed. Much like Raven balck, it likes screwing with your head, unmercifully.

I'll keep that one in mind.......

C. Copperpot
I wonder if Raven went for Vhailor or Nordom.

C. Copperpot
Woot. Killed it!
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