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Comments on Friday 4 April 2003:
Grargh. Stupid stupid stupids.

The exact same laptop I ordered a few weeks ago is now $160 cheaper and has a $250 mail-in rebate. It also doesn't have a huge lead-time associated with it. So of course, I cancelled the original order that hadn't shipped yet and put in a new one, at the proper price. I suppose they probably get away with charging the "pre-order" hiked-up price to a lot of people, though, or they wouldn't do it.

Dell's online ordering system is a bit pap, too (I know, I said that before, but there's more), what with not actually creating an order number, nor updating the status page when an order is cancelled over the phone (though clicking on the "InProduction" status does go to the "this order has been cancelled" page - so why does it still say "InProduction" on my main status page? The database obviously knows this is not the case.)

On second thoughts, cancel that 'grargh' and perhaps replace it with a 'hoorah'; $410 saved from the foul murky maw of The Dude. [20:29]

Kanada Ten
Right? If not for the total inefficiency of Dell's ordering system, you would have had the laptop seven days after ordering -yet, waiting has given you a savings of $410. But this sudden "up beat" or (dare I type it) optimistic view is very uncharacteristic... Are you ill or is it just the ankle?

"...foul murky maw of The Dude"
That's just funny.

I'm always optimistic. It's just that everything sucks.

Lady X tryme
Hello, I foung your site in a search for website addons and enhancements, thus leading me to The Random Surrealism Generator. I glanced through your site and wanted to leave my insignificant comments. First of all, nice name Mr. Black. Secondly, your knowledge is impressive. No, I am not anyone important , but if I needed your programming skills we would talk business. I find your dry humor and sarcasm to my taste. I tend to agree that social gatherings of any kind are self torture. I suspect computer related anything is your life, its better than making a sink hole in the couch the sixe of one's ass and killing brain cells with the crap on television. Feel free to email me or what-not. I build websites as a hobby, however I don't claim to be a professional.

Lady X tryme
forgive the typos in my earlier msg please, lol<\/A>/ it looks rather illiterate.

Kanada Ten
"I'm always optimistic. It's just that everything sucks."

Aye. Just wondered if painkillers might have aided this brief "up beat" blog. But, then again, money seems to make you happy. What would happen if we all suddenly bought your book? That might make for a double dose of happiness -which might just kill you. ;)

Mm, a few hundred book sales would go down a treat. Get rid of the bastards before I'm Australia-bound.

HAHA<\/A>/ and I bought a book a few days ago ummmm (still would like to be in the movie though). Then again that might cause me to have to get out of my house and then I might get board and do something stupid (like climb down a hill when there is a path you could have taken)...... and no Raven I'm not letting you live that one down in fact I might have to post that one in the RBB (naaa I wouldn't do that to them they have enough prob's as it is).....

You can post it there if you like. Doubt anyone would care.

Raven you in Au?

And also, what do you expect from dell...
Are you getting the insperon? (Forgot the model number and how to spell it, but the best one out atm.)

Is there an irc channel hidden around here anywhere?

Eps - Bleh, sleep is a luxury...

Not in Australia yet; June 12th I will be.
Inspiron 8500; yes.
I don't generally do IRC. There's no my-site-specific IRC server, certainly.

Rambly Tom
June 12th?!?! This was the very date Ned Kelly and his friends decided it would be a lark to dress up in iron suits and break the railway tracks at Glenrowan for a laugh.

No, they didn't actually do it on June 12th, they waited a few weeks. My extensive research leads me to be sure that June 12th was the day they decided on this plan.

You can say what you like about Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Butch Cassidy, Doc Holiday and so on. Any of these people invent bullet proof armour? The Australian Wild East was much tougher than the American Wild West. If you didn't have armour, you wouldn't survive long enough to be hanged. The horses were better as well. But nobody knows about it. You ignorant bastards.

And how many Australian troops have died in the current Iraqi debacle? (It's related, it involves bullets). I know it's hard to imagine for many peons of the USA, but Australia is better than you at this sort of thing. I'm sorry. You have a crap military. You rely far too much on technology and your large population. It's very east to win a war when you can keep bringing up reserve forces. The USSR proved this when they helped you in WWII. This is like somebody claiming to be an expert strategist because he can create orc mages more quickly than anybody else in WarCraft II. You don't want to fight him, but you think 'Man, you are so lame'.

Set a platoon of Australian SAS against a platoon of US marines, on the ground, only using light infantry weapons. The SAS would kick the marine's butts. They're trained not to waste ammo when a swift kick will do the trick.

Hoorah! From Dell to a diatribe against the efficiency of the US military in six easy steps. I just want to see RavenBlack arrive at an Australian airport in full Ned Kelly armour. I'd donate money to that site you set up to get money to pull stupid pranks if I could find it and arriving at an Australian airport in full Ned Kelly armour was listed. Where's it got to? I'm still interesting in giving you money to break into Holly's house in a ninja suit bear

Rambly Tom
ing chocolates. May I buy Holly chocolates? I'd buy you chocolates but you are vegan and so don't know what I am talking about. Anything involving soy protein is not chocolate. Anything involving tofu will self destruct, I find.

Of course, I'm not still interesting. That was just a ploy.

If you manage to get the necessaries to break in to Holly's house, please let me know. Be a good excuse for a trip down to Adelaide. So long as Holly is sexy. She is sexy isn't she? It would be a terrible loss of Sydney status to venture southwards to watch broken windows and chocolate if she weren't. Unless they were very expensive windows. In any case, I can probably only afford a Mars bar. You'll have to display exceptional acting ability to pull that off.

Of course she's sexy. And I doubt anyone would object to you buying her chocolates.

Tom you missed </rant> at the end there... o_0

Oh and also, your wrong with your facts about the ADF there tom. It in fact is 1 Australian RSAS section is equal to 12 American Spec Marines sections. Eg we kick their asses good. Then again when they have an army the size of theirs who cares? Human wave attacks win over smartness any day. Russia proved this as well. (Hehe, poor Russia.)

So Raven where you going while your in Au, just coming for a visit or staying? Where are you now anyway?

Eps - Mmm red eye... Caffeine!

Staying at least a while. Adelaide.

Tom never ends his rant. It's perpetual.

I see... /me looks odly at tom

Hmm watch out for the dropbears Raven, some of them can take your face off...
(Any Aussies that know the joke keep it going k!?)

Eps - Ahh dropbears!

Hoorah! I have invented a working perpetual motion machine. So far it only does insanity, but in the near future it will cook hamburgers.

Eps - You must remember, we kick arses, not asses. Anybody can kick an inbred donkey. This is why US marines are so keen go in and kick some ass. They seem to have a thing for donkeys. (Why do you think the US attacked Iraq instead of North Korea? More donkeys.)

And what's up with the R in front of SAS?

Swoosh bears are more dangerous than drop bears. These lesser known Australian beasts attack you even when you are prudently not standing underneath a tree. Both are known to devour people originating in Scotland. I believe they dislike bagpipes quite ferociously.

Do they have to be vegan chocolates? I have strong moral objections concerning the mixing of soy protein and coca beans, except as a practical joke.

And of course you have to break windows whilst wearing ninja attire to gain the chocolates.

Vegan chocolates have nothing to do with soy-things. You just need proper dark chocolate. And tsk, I hate bagpipes too. In fact, I think I hate all musical instruments that end with 'pipes'.

is there such a thing as vegan chocolates?? I have heard of sugar free chocolates (have you ever eaten that though ewwww no bad memory), Dark chocolate has milk in it to I think (I could be wrong though). Ahh no comment on the pipes though.....

There is such a thing as vegan chocolates. Dark chocolate has milk in it if it's made in America, because everything in America is chock-full (ahaha, horrible pun) of milk-products. Even salt and vinegar crisps (or 'chips') have milk-derivatives in them. And about 98% of breads do. Mmm, lactylates.

...Walks away from Raven...

The R is Royal.
So Royal Special Air Service is their correct name. We also have specialist groups in each core not just the army.

Eps - And I see that the Allies are now in Baghdad.

Are you sure? Never heard them called royal before. Well, I believe they were originally part of RAR, but were split from them. The army as a whole isn't called royal, I don't think it ever has been.

And milk is now carcinogenic.

ahhh ok coolie's I learned something new today I need to send my father where you live Raven (he hates anything with milk in it).

Er, I still live in America. America imports chocolate a lot, because, well, American chocolate is simply a mix of arse and paraffin.

lol<\/A>/ you know actually I'm related to a biggg company that owns a chocolate factory (think about it Raven you already know my last name bigggg hint here there is a candy bar named after our last names {hehe}).

You should talk to your relatives about their habit of mixing arse and paraffin, then.

Wondering. (morphage into Parkinson). Raven, you have stated in the past that you have been veganish since birth. How do you know that American chocolate tastes like British bottom with paraffin sprinkles?

BTW, can I get a t-shirt made up "Tom never ends his rant. It's perpetual."

I've been vegetarian since birth; vegan since about 6 years ago. Also, Holly has confirmed that American chocolate hasn't improved in those 6 years.

lol<\/A>/ that's prob. true in fact if nothing else they have only gotten worse (ummm maybe I outta give some people a call about this think they would listen?).


And no crap, one of these days america is going to face up to a much larger country and is going to get themselves into a big pile of shit.

Nobody asked about SASR - they were asking about RSAS.

ravenblack is a stupid dumb piece of shit who is gonna get his arse kicked

O noes! Intarweb threats!

rsas stands for royal special forces.
you should know that the british sas is way better than the rsas. the rsas is better than american special forces or the navy seals.
that means that the british sas guys are the rudest dudes ever.

rsas stands for royal special air service
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