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Comments on Tuesday 28 January 2003:
The following post consists of programmer ranting. You need read no further if this won't interest you.

Tsk - several hours of coding video capture stuff, to make a webcam plugin for RavenGive, entirely wasted; the Win32 SDK has a lot of stuff about "AviCap" windows, which were working reasonably well as far as I got, except for not supporting my TV capture card (it supported video camera and webcam). I wasn't too bothered by that, since several other programs shared the problem - but some didn't, so I was a little irked. Only later did I stumble upon the DirectShow method of video capture, which is almost certainly the method used by those programs that didn't share the problem, and also seems likely to be better behaved in general. It's also, of course, going to be entirely unrelated in every way to the AviCap interface. Tsk, wasted time.

On the up-side, my jpeg interface libraries are excellent, capable of whapping bitmaps to jpegs and back with a single function call each way. And leaping tall buildings. [11:16]

(note: from now on posts by me wont contain apostrophes, unless they slip in by accident - so no flames about terrible punctuation).

Your planning on using HTTP to transport realtime video? Or are you just making AVIs, saving them, and making them available for download? Or is it that your adding a new connection protocol to RavenGive (ie, not HTTP) and connecting through that?

Will video be available in shareware versions? (Of course it won't, silly bloody question.)

I don't know if this will help you at all, but I'm running Camstream under Linux which offers similar functionality to VisionGS. The url is: http://www.smcc.demon.nl/camstream/

Maybe the source code is of use?


HTTP to transport realtime jpeg-frames (probably the best option for realtime video, since it doesn't rely on frame-similarity). It will be available in unregistered shareware, but will do something appropriately irritating (perhaps replacing every tenth transmitted frame with a big "UNREGISTERED", or plastering the word across the image perpetually, or something).

"...no flames about terrible punctuation"

How about I moan about the missing 'e' in "Your planning", then? Ahaha.

Raven, you should make it hopelessly over-complicated: split each frame into NxN sub-frames (N being user configurable), and only transmit sub-frames that differ by more than Y% (Y also user configurable).

This will reduce bandwidth use by more than the loss of compression efficiency.

Also, I demand it. More importantly, I demand that someone other than me write it.

Not that I even use, own or even intend to own a video capturey thing. They steal your soul.

Fair one, Nik.

(adendum: Normal poor spelling services will be unaffected)

'Your planning on using HTTP to transport realtime video?' Still passably correct if followed by 'Brilliant idea!' or similar, and if Raven had already presented this idea as a plan. Really, it is. Hoorah for grandma!
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