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Comments on Thursday 25 April 2002:
Interesting observation: GE dryer doesn't rotate, attempts to set fire to clothes. GE dishwasher has a partially melted door, and attempts to set fire to kitchen. And a quote from someone else: "yep... the GE cable boxes we've had have caught fire too..."
Hermit suggests maybe GE have a deal with the fire department.
I suggest not buying GE products. [15:11]

Yep...and the GE refrigerators suck too. The icemakers appear to be complete crap. ;-)

Do they make cigarette lighters?

Well, we have a dryer that rotates but doesn't heat at the moment. It is a Simpson Minimax 8, which has no apparent connection with GE that I know of. So we really should work out a way to combine our appliances. Maybe fax would be useful here. Can you fax shirts yet? An intercontinental fax assisted clothes drying system could really catch on I think. Add global understanding and such, without wasting precious bangy things. It's a wasteed effort though I expect. USians can't seem to understand tha concept of hanging clothes outside on the line to dry. Especially not underwear.

Fredrik Wirell
i ate a fish once. it was quite tastefull.
btw. what is GE?

www.microsoft.com will give you a browser that lets you see mouse over text. Unfortunatly www.wizardofoz.com still doesn't supply brains.

For that, I recommend http://www.brains4zombies.com/

HA! And I thought that it was becasue my dryer was old. Damn you GE and the PCB's you rode in on!!!

My ge dryer got so hot it started my clothes on fire and burnt my house down. My friends ge washer had a cut in a hose and flooded her entire downstairs of a brand new home. And a co-worker had her ge refrigerator flood her house from the ice maker. Don't buy GE!

GE icemakers are garbage! I have a 3 yr old stainless steel side-by-side with an in-the-door water/ice dispenser. I never really use ice so I didn't know the ice maker was crap. After 18 months of never using the ice maker I had a party and needed ice. I turned it on and it worked....THAT NIGHT but after that it leaked and almost ruined the fan. I didn't by the extended warranty because I thought...its GE. Called for service and in 2 minutes the guy said "you need a new ice maker, these are notorious for going bad". Keep in mind I used it MAYBE 3 days out of almost 2 yrs. He said $250 for parts plus labor. WHAT? So I just turned the ice maker off and now the fan is starting to surge and moan. I WILL NEVER BUY GE AGAIN.

ge dryer burnt my house down they said it got so hot that my cloths cout fire lol<\/A>/ and they said it wasent ge's falt or mine wtf ever i would like to talk to some plp that had the same thing done im doing every thing i can to go after ge

I have had more service calls for my ge refrigerator than I have years of ge refrigerator ownership. I think half of the thing has been replaced now.

It was so frustrating I actually started a blog on the topic just to let off steam.
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