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Comments on Thursday 18 April 2002:
And on the subject of the home-buying, I am now sufficiently moved in to the new place that it can be a place to stay. Which is to say, the computers are here and... er... so is internet connectivity. And a quilt. I also went to the nearby supermarket, and was really quite pleased by it - it has many of the foods and drinks that I particularly like and often have difficulty finding. Not only that, but the walk is pleasant with minimal road-crossing or road-parallelling. And the house is empty of roommates. And the neighbours aren't exploding, yelling or torturing dogs 24 hours a day. At least, not today. [19:16]

Safeway is lovely. They are the only business open 24 hours a day in my town, so when I get off work around midnight I go inside and buy ice cream sandwhiches. Yummy.

What is Spirulina?

Don't forget the Hello Kitty Ramen they have at Safeway... Saw that the other day and just had to laugh.

Spirulina is seaweed. Sort of. They call it micro-algae (not blue or green) usually so people don't get concerned about it being a close relative of the variety of blue-green algae that eats your brains. But really, would you eat something that's called arthrospira platensis in polite company? It is apparently good for birds though http://www.parrothouse.com/spirulina.html, so Raven should eat it muchly. It'll stop cancer in parrots, I hear. Lord knows what it does to ravens. Be fun to find out. I know all this because my sister is vegan, I have a parrot as a house guest, and I have to cook for the whole family. Unfortunately, this is not a joke (Read the prior sentence in the right accent and you will laugh - sort of North West London. Um, this does not involve cockney). I have no idea how this came about. It is incredibly difficult to cook vegan bangers and mash. The parrot can deal with plain tomato sauce (not ketchup, catsup, or whatever USians are in to. Mulched tomato with plenty of sugar and herbs and stuff, all in a bottle with a parrot on the label), my sister wants falafels. But I've run out of bread crumbs, so I used all the falafel mix in place of bread crumbs to make wiener schnitzel in place of bangers (having run out of sausages), which isn't a noted vegan dish (actually this works very well if you're into cooking, gives the schnitzel an interesting zing - I call dibs on the patent). Unless you think of veal as a particularly stupid vegetable. Which might make it vegan if you closed your eyes. The vegan rules seem to change on a daily basis which is upsetting because my vegan sister has *never once cooked dinner*, but is still liable to complain if the mushrooms are cooked in butter rather than olive oil. (Have you ever had mushrooms cooked in olive oil? Worse than Brittany Spears). As for Safeway - does it look anything like this http://www.woolworths.com.au/ ? N.B. Australia just ripped off the name 'Woolworths' from the US or possibly the UK- no actual conection with the US Woolworths who've run out of money I think. But I expect Safeway US just went and bought Woolworths AU, and called it Safeway in gullible states such as Victoria, possibly South Australia. I expect Adelaide fell for the gag. I buy all my groceries from the man on the corner who smells like an elephant in heat. It's the only way to avoid the globilality of the world. And sew. Bugger it. I have no nicotine or alcohol, I have some guy next door playing the trumpet... I'm in there, somewhere. Sometimes I wish it wasn't true, but what the hell.

tOm (is that more useful than 'Tom'?)

"The world rarely drinks enough. And when it does, it drinks campari. Or dead brinewater." - Some famous dead guy.

Aplogies: No nicotine/alchohol for a week. Makes you see bananas where there are no bananas. Pretty cool actually. Further apologies due to RavenBlack for using his website as a surrogate Betty Ford clinic, but it passed the time.

Now I have to write an award winning (actually getting the t-shirt would do) wshort story, or else do a little languishing. Or Take Over the World, of course. Never sure which is best.

I now have managed to have no idea who this email is going to be sent to. Some people would call this art. I'm not sure what it is, but I may be able to get an arts grant out of it.

Morning, Tom

Fly a yellwo.

Congratulations! Try it on Normal!

Spirulina is an algae thing. Single-celled plants. Almost certainly nasty-tasting when not accompanied by honey and fruit and such.
"Try it on Normal"?

Um. Potential apologies to Raven here. I am rather intoxicated, in the sense of lacking toxins. Which would actually be untoxicated I suspect. Like, how come I'm in italics? I would love to always be italicised of course. Um. OK. Who haxored my computer to make it look like everthing was italicised? No matter. It is a well known axiom of the Romantics that members just sit around indolently waiting for the general community to realise their worth. I am still waiting for everybody to realise that the toad does not hold the hole, and that ultimate answers to life the universe and everything can be found in a small puddle outside Exmonshire. No matter. The best drug that has yet been revealed to humankind is the fabulous nicotine withdrawal esp buzzzz. Damn it's good.

But, to be serious herel-,,,,,,,,,,,,,asdrcscx geatcssfdsdpk,

T - don't leave your broken arm pits in my back yard.


May I leave the peach pits instead?
Those are always more fun.
Smelly pit, however, is *not*.
I fully empathise.

Safeway looks exactly the same inside and the sign looks exactly the same as woolworth's except obviously it says safeway. Same green and red colours and everything. Even the food says woolworths!
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