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Comments on Sunday 14 April 2002:
America needs to establish a catch-all warning so that things can cease having to have stupid warning labels all over them.
Warning: Things that you do can have consequences. All Things except air pose a choking hazard - do not attempt to inhale Things, nor, if you are completely inept, attempt to swallow them. Anything may be hot, if it has been heated, so be careful. Things may also be painfully cold, so watch out for that too. Surfaces can be uneven or slippery or at an angle - don't fall over. Some Things are sharp, hard, or poisonous. Don't eat them or hit yourself with them. And stop bloody trying to burn Things. [18:24]

I agree. America is full of people that want something for nothing, and the easiest way to do that is to sue for stupid technicalities. Now don't get me wrong, it's not the stupid person's fault, although they do help contribute. It's the stupid legal system we have in our country. Something should definately be done about this. Another example of ignorance is anyone cares to read-http://pub49.ezboard.com/fkilrathiscsserverfrm4.showMessage?topicID=243.topic

Mm, I've said the same thing. I'm not even sure the stupid people *are* stupid - they have good incentive to sue, and no incentive at all not to. I blame the judge who didn't throw out the "ooh, my coffee was hot" case.

A rather amusing example of such things:

Dear me. They are threatening to sue for billboard space in a FICTIONAL movie? How quaint.

Dan H
A local shop has the words "Beware of Cars" painted on the ground in front of its main door...a curiously apt life-moral, I believe.

Indeed. Having been violently attacked by a car (the car lost this fight to the tune of a few thousand dollars broken carness V a couple of scrapes and bruises to humankind - am I hard or what ;-), I must say that "Beware of Cars" is most sensible advice. Best to shoot them on sight really. It's the only safe way. Otherwise they will eat your kidneys.

But where would we put this catch-all warning?

In place of the declaration of independence or the pledge of allegiance or whatever repeated brainwashing it is that American children experience.

ive always thought that you should get a free handbook when youre born that has every warning label indexed in it. it can also include other useful articles like "don't drive like an asshole" and "taxes are not hard to do you whiny bastard"

I would like an addendum on the tax thing. "Taxes are not hard to do, unless you're in America and have any income that is not from employment."

I quite like your warning label. I've been collecting inane ones at work for amusement value (doubtless I will get sued by some stupid parent of one of my techies if they fall off a ladder now, but I would anyway for letting them be on the ladder in the first place, so no harm done). May I quote your label and make stickers?

As for the taxes, sometimes they're also bloody difficult even if you only have income from employment. If my mother claims me (as I am still a student and she does nice things like buy me a car and groceries), I owe X more than we thought. If I claim myself, she owes Y more than we thought. X and Y are extremely different numbers. So we got to do both of our taxes (federal and state)twice this year in search of seemingly arbitrary values. Wheee!

Hm, maybe I should trademark it and make bumper stickers. Nah, sod it, effort. Go ahead.

i didnt have to file taxes this year but i did them anyways to see if i could get any money back.

You are evidently not in America, then. Everyone (adult) has to file taxes, in America, because the system is completely bloody stupid and doesn't even have a go at automating. At least, that's my understanding of it.

nah, i didn't have to file last year. This year I made a small amount more, and they seem to have taxed me on more than the difference. Grr.
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