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Comments on Monday 1 April 2002:
That random intruder the other day has completely changed my view of the house. Now I notice things like "Hm, the bathroom has a distinct dearth of weapons". I also rearrange things appropriately, such that the locations where I spend most time have lengths of metal pipe in convenient reach. Suddenly I understand why it is that so many Americans have baseball bats and guns secreted around their beds. [18:08]

The droll americans have bats and guns bedside, the more interesting strand of American (aka me) keeps a very sharp (almost to sharp, I've cut myself one to many times) Claymore, like William Wallace's sword in braveheart, only slightly different, and a very loud and powerful foghorn bedside. My plan is to stun and surprise the foolish intruder with a very abrupt blast of foghorn, and then chop off his legs and probably mine as well accidentally.

Is the popularity of baseball bats and guns around the house, due to everyone secretly wishing they were living out the game Double Dragon, but keeping this surprisingly common quirk private?

Well, I have a respect for the baseball bat....nice weight, designed to swing....much like a modern-day mace if you think about it.

===I do not like guns..yes, they are almost a neccesity these days, but I oftn wonder what things would be like if we were not allowed to carry firearms like a handgun, but were encouraged to carry things like swords.

===You see, I like this idea...something that takes some effort and skill to use, and is really obvious if someone has it. Something that makes the act of using it quite personal.

===Anyone can pull out a gun, shoot, and run. I happen to think that if people had to work for their violence, they might put some thought into it.

Bravo, Rialian. I've thought the same thing more than once. Long-range weaponry (bombs and guns, mainly) will be the downfall of humanity. Such things make it easy for the stupid and cowards to attack other.
Like you said, you need to be skilled to use a sword and they would have to think about attacking. Also, the person being attacked would most likely also have a similar weapon to defend themself with, so the attacker would also have to be more skilled than the person they wish to kill. I personally think it'd be much better world like that.

Personally, I prefer to keep whips and canes near the bed, as well as rope and handcuffs. That way, I can enjoy torturing the poor intruder to my hearts content (assuming said whips and cuffs are not in use at the time).
If I could walk around DC carrying a cat o nine made from latigo straps, I would feel much better.

hey! how do you do you highlight those words? that is the coolest thing i've ever seen. can i do it in livejournal?

the capital letters are really cool, too. how do you do them?

Heh. Much appreciated comment, Sark.

To highlight words, learn CSS, or learn to steal from other people's HTML and CSS. Google will help.

Great, you discuss why using different weapons will make the world a better place. Interesting to say the least.

Mm, the world was, of course, a thoroughly lovely and peaceful place before the invention of gunpowder.

I'm not sure I follow the line about sword-attack victims "most likely having a similar weapon", either. Or unarmed combat needing to be "skilled" to be at all effective. Tish.

Personally, "homeless person wandering into my house" would make me think "must lock doors more" rather than "must install weaponry in every room". Resist assimilation, Mr B.

"Resistance is futile!" said the Borg/Americans...

why dont you just tell me the html you use so i dont have to steal it from you

Why don't you just steal it so that he doesn't have to take time telling you?

I suspect you're wasting your time, though - you'd have to press the shift key at least six times every time you wanted to add a rollover comment.
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