RavenBlog |
Comments on Saturday 9 February 2002: |
Hoorah for being dropped off at a place, and discovering it to be closed just in time to see the ride drive away. Then spending ten minutes looking for a payphone. Then finding that the cellphone of the driver is magically in a no-reception area and is likely to remain so. Add to that the lovely feeling of not knowing where the hell you are, and you have the high point of my day. I have hence resolved that I'm never going out ever again. At least if I stay at home, I know where I am, and don't need to hunt for my ride home. Not moving is by far the best means of transport.
[21:32] |
Eperdu |
Do what I do - never go out, don't encourage and nourish friendships, and gather knives, alcohol and dubious tastes in pornography over self-defence, self-improvement and getting a partner. You get a bad wrist-ache and you'll go blind - but you can just blame that on typing and staring at the monitor. |
Tom |
You forgot the high calibre semi automatic weapons which are essential to such a life style. Knives just don't cut it anymore. |
Stefano |
You're not a "Scream" fan are you? |
wyndenai |
if it's the tai chi class at a nearby university that I'm thinking of, I could have driven you home ;) |
Tabbie |
And me as well, but I am also quite certain that you wouldn't have had my number on hand, unfortunately. At least the weather was nice yesterday. Even being sick, I thought it was quite pretty out. |
Digi |
Try being left in Torquay, in the freezing sea breeze, at 2 am, with no money, apart from that which is owned by a friend so that he can feed himself for the rest of the month. Make sure that the closest bed is owned by the ex-best friend who perpertrated this evil crime, in order that he could get his end away, whith someone not very attractive. Add the fact the the taxi rid will cost £25, and you have something resembling my lovely saturday night. Curse people who want to clubbing. At least we didn't go to the clubs, and my compnany was good. Curse "The Venue" Torquay. Never go there! |
Shamu |
high calibre SEMI automatic weapons Tom? Tsk. how quaint. now-a-days, you need something with a bit more.... more.... okay... more bullets firing faster. |