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Comments on Thursday 27 December 2001:
It annoys me that a random person can win $10M. The only thing you can do with $10M is be frivolous. I mean, if I suddenly had $5M, I could buy a ridiculously nice house ($1M), a ridiculously powerful small network of computers ($20K), and have essentially $4M left with which to either be frivolous, or to get $80K per year in interest. And that's if I were to put it all in an instant-access sort of account. I expect that could easily be more like $300K, which would cover food, bills, and taxes forevermore. Even $1M would easily make me sorted and happy for several years. Giving away $10M, feh. Unless it's to me. [19:19]

the more you talk money, the more you sound stereotypically scottish... not a complaint, though, just an observation... i agree with you and usually go one step mroe frugal. if properly invested, 100K could keep me free to do music for the rest of my life, quite comfortably, no less...

I have to agree with Raven (Damn) and I'm not Scottish, as if that were to matter. One million is easily enough for a person to be comfortable for the rest of their life, if they have any kind of sense. If they don't then they don't deserve to win it anyway, so they don't count.

Stick a percentage of that million in a savings account of some description, and live off the other interest. Allow yourself access to a percentage each month. Effectively, you'd be just having a high-paid job, with no effort.

I wish there would be a show where you could win less but with a higher chance of winning. or a lottery like that. Or something. But no...

Of course, the prize is no doubt paid in monthly installments over a period of many many years. Still horrible, mind you. No disagreement. But not as horrible as if it were paid in one bulk dropoff.

even if 100k were paid in installments of 1000 a month, it would be easy enough to set up something nice to allow me to do music full time, for free, within 6 months, being conservative... too bad it is against my better judgement to play lotteries... tax on people bad at math...

Okay, dedmaus you've convinced me. You can have the 10M

Um, there are "services" out there that makes money off of people who want lump sums off of their hefty winnings. So anyone could just apply for one of those and they would just- you guessed it- give you the lump sum minus the lovely fee and let you roll in your dough.

There's a study that indicates unhappiness amoung the majority of lottery winners. I think people who still go to work after winning a large sum of money knows that if they just sit around they will eventually become bored and restless. That's not really counting everybody they know wanting a piece of it.

It sure would help if the mortgage on my stinkin' house is paid off though...

I say go ahead and throw 10 mil on people's heads... if they're smart enough they'd know how to handle it (10 mil = blessing) and if not they'll be screwed over in the end (10 mil = curse).
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