Due to moving house, and being annoyed with the lady carting eight boxes of stuff with us which have resided in a closet for a full year, without even being opened, she agreed to go through the second half of the boxes and throw out anything that didn't need to come with us. Many pictures and things emerged; I suggested we scan them, put them all on a single CD, and thus reduce the load by approximately one full box. Hence I've spent the last couple of hours scanning some hilarious high-school pictures, including some lovely prom-night ones. My scanner software has a feature wherein it automatically takes a guess at where you're likely to want to crop things; supposed to be able to pick out separate photos. It does one step better. For example, there are pictures with big hair; the scanner wisely decides that I would want to crop the picture at the top of the face. Who would want to record hair like that, after all? Well, I would, because I can make fun of it. And I do. Also entertaining was a small album of family pictures, which I went through pointing at family members and judging them; evil, gay, boring, etc. And I was right on every count, amusingly. Apparently being totally transparent is a genetic trait.