Guns lesson one: changing any seemingly innocuous thing will change the behaviour of every other aspect of the gun. For example, removing the magazine, which I had expected to do nothing more than prevent any ammo being loaded. Instead, it had the additional effects of:- Preventing the slide from locking back, which thus surprised me with its springing back, caught my finger, wouldn't let go, required two hands to release when I only had one hand free, and was thus lots of fun.
- Preventing the trigger from affecting the hammer, which is probably good in that it would prevent one from firing a cartridge that's been forgotten in the chamber, but still, confusing when you're merely examining the mechanisms.
- Preventing any motion of the hammer at all. Similar to the trigger thing, really, but less weird.
My favourite unexpected behaviour, however, was that dismantling the gun cannot be performed with the safety on. Which seems terribly terribly wrong. I really don't want to fire the gun while it's in pieces, actually.