Glancing through my log files, it's time for a game of Search Term Bingo.
First prize goes to variants on "World Trade Center Suicide Jumpers", of which there have been 20 since the beginning of November.
Geekdom searches come in second, with 7.
Somethingawful things score 6.
Perhaps you recall Jennifer Juggs? He's responsible for several hits, due to people unable to spell 'breasts'.
Amusing searches include "How to wear gasmask", "read someone email" and the contradictory "how to fuck up someone's email"... "fake anthrax", "anime girls in scant clothing", "pseudo-image fuck", "schizoid personality disorder seattle", "queue rage", "fucking webhancer", "plate tectonics sucks", "anxiety shouldn't exist", "my fucking eyesight sucks"
Then there are the few things that might have actually given the person what they wanted - "Dye hair white", "mouseover pop-up text", "Antec PSU". That's all there was. From Google, anyway.